I haven't posted for a while but I've been busy. we finished the bathroom floor, walls, and are working on painting and placing a top on the cabinets. The wainscoting looks great, the walls are a nice blue to match the tub, but the tub isn't yet connected to water or drain. This fall/winter for sure.
We painted the outside of the house during the summer of 2012. Malia did most of the work but Stacy stopped by and helped some too.
Toward the end of the summer I decided to take out the backyard and prepare for permeable pavers that will allow grass to grow through, and allow parking off the two concrete strips. Parking for motorbikes, chairs, and a barbecue.this is me using a rental rototiller to break up the sod. It worked but I ended up renting a skid loader and moving some serious dirt a few weeks later. The end result is a mostly level back yard and a big pile of dirt that will be used for gardening and filling the bricks.
We also worked on the front yard and planted some hydrangea. I love the puff balls.